Moby the cat has a DRAMATIC RECOVERY!

After several years of illness due to mold exposure that resulted in reduced lung capacity, obesity, chronic inflammation, and overall lethargy, grouchiness and loss of interest in life, I can only say that after one session with you – our cat Moby – is like a completely different cat!!!

After the first day… His temperament was MUCH improved. He is alert; more interested in being playful, and actually allowed me to brush him. THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED IN SEVERAL YEARS without fighting/biting me.

He has also become more affectionate! He is now jumping up on the bed to lounge and sleeping in bed with me at night. For the last few years – ‘jumping’ was not something he did willingly as he was in chronic pain. And receiving/giving affection was out of the question as we watched with sadness as his once playful personality disappeared. With wonder and absolute astonishment – I must tell you that he is not only willing to receive love, but give it too. I watched with awe as he walked all the way up a flight of stairs to snuggle with my daughter in her bunk bed!

A completely unexpected outcome that has us saying ‘THIS IS A MIRACLE’ is that he is no longer aggressive with the new kitten. Previously he would snarl and hiss and has viciously attacked him on a few occasions. We resigned ourselves to keeping him separated from the rest of the family. Guess what? A couple of days after his session, he wanted to come out of the bedroom and roam around the house and actually ‘be’ in the same room with the other two cats! He seems relaxed and accepting – about the new kitten. I’m giving space when needed but I NEVER thought the day would come that they could all just hang out in the same room. It is truly remarkable to see. We’ve all also noticed that Moby is starting to slim down and it seems his new food is agreeing with him. No more crying for food throughout the night.

We are so encouraged to see how Moby’s health and happiness will continue to improve – clearly something amazing has already occurred!!! We are beyond grateful to witness this miraculous transformation and so hopeful for him and our family! WOW!!!

Libba Phillips, Oldsmar, Fla.